Magnetic and Electrostatic attraction and repulsion are normal things we see every day and take for granted.

To bend a beam in an oscilloscope they slow the electron beam down so that the beam passes the deflection plates slowly then it is speeded up this is known as PDA...

However with RF traveling at the speed of light there is little we can put in it's path to deflect it so the conclusion is to add a signal going at the same speed and nearly in the same direction will have an effect on the original one...Using the old magnet theory we can now either pull or push the original signal depending on the phase between the two carriers....interesting !

Now having a carrier going along at the same frequency would jam the original so the key to this is to place a frequency offset and keep every so often resetting the deflecting phase to 0 degs in such a way that it never reaches the point at where it would attract the beam. Such electronic devices as DDS chips can do this very effectively having both full frequency and finite phase control. The more you are offset from the original wanted frequency the faster will the deflecting beam need correction. very interesting !

If two ships are placed on a calm sea and sent in the same direction they will both come together each attracting the other...

When signals can be bent or pulled into a focus pickup point then big dishes are not needed......